Do you love coffee? Do you love to shimmer and sparkle? Then our 'Vanilla Sparkle Coffee Body Scrub' is the coffee scrub for you!
With aromas of vanilla and raspberry (yum!) and using all-natural sparkly mica this shimmer scrub is unlike any other and will leave your skin sparkling like the fabulous unicorn that you are.
Plus, the ingredients found in all of our coffee scrubs, such as; ground Arabica coffee, pink Himilayan salt & coconut oil; will not only buff away and exfoliate dead skin but also moisturise to leave your skin feeling smooth and hydrated.
Each pouch of our coffee body scrub contains 250g of amazingness. Depending on how liberally you use the scrub, you will get between 6 to 10 uses from a pouch.
✖️ Please note that our scrubs are made with pure essential oils. We recommend consulting with your doctor before using while pregnant.
✖️ Our scrubs also contain sweet almond oil so anyone with nut allergies or intolerance's please be aware.
✔️ 100% Vegan.
Roasted Coffee Seed Powder, Pink Himalayan Rock Salt, Brown Sugar Cane, Pacific Sea Salt, *Grape Seed oil, *Coconut Desiccated Fine , *Almond Sweet Oil, *Coconut Oil, *Vanilla Powder, *Hempseed Oil, Coffee Oil, Vanilla Essential Oil (vanilla absolute), Gold Mica Powder, Raspberry Fragrance Oil, Silver Mica Powder, *Cinnamon Powder, Natural Vitamin E. (* denotes certified organic)
Scrubba Body uses only the finest ingredients to create 100% all-natural products with an emphasis on plant-based and organic. Each ingredient has a therapeutic purpose; all oils are cold-pressed or steam-distilled; and every product is made in small batches to guarantee premium quality.